This present study aimed to examine the effects of long-term resistance exercise REG and aerobic exercise AEG on the adiponectin, insulin resistance, lipid profile and body composition in adolescent boys with Does Sex Decrease Athletic Performance. Sixteen obese adolescent boys age: The serum lipid profile, adiponectin, glucose, insulin resistance HOMA-IR levels and body composition of the participants were evaluated at the beginning and end of the study. A Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test and Mann-Whitney U test were used for analyses, and the criterion for statistical significance was set at p HOMA-IR, insulin, glucose and serum lipid levels decreased in both groups p These results indicated that both types of exercises had positive effects on insulin resistance, per cent body fat, weight and fat-free body mass. Long-term 6 months aerobic and REG had different positive effects on adiponectin and the lipid profile. The prevalence of being overweight and obesity in children, adolescents and adults have risen substantially worldwide 1. The European Union Action Plan on Childhood Obesity emphasises physical activity as well as a regulated diet in children to halt this increase in the number of overweight and obese adolescents by 2. Does Sex Decrease Athletic Performance secreted from adipose tissue may play a key role in the pathogenesis of obesity, insulin resistance and atherosclerosis by increasing subclinical inflammation 3. Adiponectin is one of the main adipokines secreted from adipose tissue. Adiponectin facilitates the clearing of glucose, triglycerides and free fatty acids from plasma; it decreases gluconeogenesis and increases insulin sensitivity 4. Individuals with obesity have lower adiponectin but higher leptin levels than individuals without obesity 5. Leptin is a hormone released by adipose tissue that aids in the regulation of body weight and energy homeostasis. Increased fat mass causes an elevation in leptin levels, which signal satiety and a mild increase in the basal energy expenditure. However, exercise can also cause changes in leptin concentration without an accompanying change in body composition. Different forms of exercise training could favourably modify weight-related complications, cardiovascular risk factors and the inflammation 6. Recently, resistance exercise has been recommended for children with obesity. While aerobic exercise is primarily an aerobic energy-producing process, resistance exercise is a type of exercise that increases primarily the force generation capacity of muscles 7. No consensus exists about the probable role of exercise in children on reductions in body fat and its effect on adipokines e. Only a few studies have investigated the effects of resistance exercise on adipokines, lipids and insulin resistance in adolescents 9, Information about health-related factors and early intervention effects among adolescents with obesity are important aspects in establishing targeted strategies and promoting lifestyle changes for preventing diseases. A better understanding of the metabolic responses to different types of exercise may help tailor interventions to maximise the likelihood of achieving health benefits among adolescents with obesity. Within this context, the main purpose of this study was to compare the effects of structured six-month resistance versus aerobic-exercise programmes on the serum lipid profile, adiponectin and insulin resistance. For the recruitment of voluntary participants, we contacted state high schools near the selected fitness centre in the Sisli district of Istanbul. From this group, adolescents with obesity were selected according to Cole et al. Twenty-three students and their parents decided to participate in the 6-month study and provided informed consent. Seven of the participants dropped out of the study because of various reasons non-compliance with the exercise schedule, Ramadan fasting period discontinuationand the study was completed with 16 participants. The study was performed, followed by the ethical guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki. Before data collection, all participants provided written informed consent. Since Does Sex Decrease Athletic Performance participants were younger than 18 years old, parents also gave written permission for participation. The participants did not have any sports experience before the study. An experienced physician reviewed their complete medical history, performed a physical examination and assessed pubertal development according to the Tanner criteria. The Tanner stage was determined on a paper chart by the bariatric paediatrician during the physical examination of the participants The Tanner scale defines stages based on the development of pubic hair and testicular volume in males. All participants were in Tanner stage IV-V. The investigation was performed as a parallel-group design and lasted for six months. However, a structured diet programme was not implemented throughout the study. The participants were asked not to consume any antioxidant supplements throughout the study. This study was conducted using two groups in a pre-post design interventional study without a control group at the Marmara University Athletic Health Research Center, İstanbul, Turkey. The duration of the study was six months. All participants visited the research unit three times, and they were familiarised with all experimental tests before the baseline performance.
The Effect of Frequency of Sexual Intercourse on Symptoms in Women with Fibromyalgia - PMC Studies that have investigated the relationship between sleep quality and athletic performance in adolescents have reported different findings. Low-volume, high-intensity interval training (HIT) increases skeletal muscle mitochondrial capacity, yet little is known regarding potential mechanisms.However, as can be seen in Table 2 and Figure 1 , the type of day did have a small effect on carbohydrate intake, with a slight increase on match days. J Transl Med ; Numerous studies that make use of GPS technology have shown that during soccer match participants travel distances of around 11, meters [ 9 ]. Leptin is a hormone released by adipose tissue that aids in the regulation of body weight and energy homeostasis. Carbohydrate intake and multiple sprint sports: with special reference to football soccer.
Studies that have investigated the relationship between sleep quality and athletic performance in adolescents have reported different findings. While some studies reported that males had higher scores than males (Celik, et al., ; Karademir & Acak, ; Khan, et al., ; Solomon. These results indicated that both types of exercises had positive effects on insulin resistance, per cent body fat, weight and fat-free body mass. Low-volume, high-intensity interval training (HIT) increases skeletal muscle mitochondrial capacity, yet little is known regarding potential mechanisms.A nutritional study was undertaken of thirty-five soccer referees aged between 18 and 50 refereeing at different levels, from the Spanish national third division down to the provincial second division. As a library, NLM provides access to scientific literature. Choose a collection Unable to load your collection due to an error Please try again. Since all participants were younger than 18 years old, parents also gave written permission for participation. The exercise prescription consisted of 6 months of progressive resistance exercise at a local fitness centre. Download references. Fatma Çelik Kayapınar 5. This should be regarded as an aspect requiring correction. Science and soccer. For this reason, sportspeople who want to achieve a higher performance, regardless of their specialties, ought to be interested in their own nutrition. Similarly, they were high in protein, with an average of The results recorded for vitamin C showed a consumption that was double recommended daily amounts. Figure 1. A standard scale was used for mood assessment, not a structured psychiatric interview. J Int Soc Sports Nutr 12 , 8 CAS Google Scholar. Treatment of adolescent overweight and obesity. Introduction The link between nutritional habits and health has concerned mankind since the origin of the earliest societies and cultures. Martínez Reñón, C. Aerobic and strength exercise reduces adiposity in overweight Latina adolescents. The vitamins investigated were the B-vitamin complex and vitamin C. Bangsbo J. This present study aimed to examine the effects of long-term resistance exercise REG and aerobic exercise AEG on the adiponectin, insulin resistance, lipid profile and body composition in adolescent boys with obesity. Similarly to the demands made of soccer players, refereeing is characterized by cycles of short, high-intensity bursts of activity, essentially sprinting, combined with lower-intensity physical effort, such as medium- or light-intensity jogging [ 8 ]. This has been demonstrated to have good reliability and applicability in a number of studies [ 13 ]. Resistance exercise promotes reduction in blood pressure and increase plasma adiponectin of hypertensive elderly patients. Article PubMed Google Scholar. It can be stated that the sportspeople studied had a nutritional status that was not entirely suited to their circumstances, as their diet contained fewer carbohydrates and more proteins than recommended. First, the number of participants is partially insufficient for a common disease such as FM. There is widespread evidence to suggest that an increase in carbohydrate intake can improve performance in various kinds of sports activity, including refereeing, which requires intermittent running at various intensities. Exercise alone reduces insulin resistance in obese children independently of changes in body composition. González-Gallego J, Villa J.